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I Am CASA- Ask Me Why

Finding Inspiration in Every Person

Meet some of our Volunteers, Staff, Board Members, Donors, and Supporters. All of these people have dedicated part of their lives to help better their community by assisting in advocating for the most vulnerable of our society: our children in foster care. 

Through donating time or money, each person plays a critical part in impacting the lives of children in Newton and Walton counties.

Meet our amazing people! 

Meet our Volunteers

CASA Volunteers are community members who desire to be a voice for a child and advocate for their best interest.

Being a CASA Volunteer does not require a special background or a particular degree-- all training and screening to be a CASA is provided by our office for free! 

*A complete list of volunteers is listed in our Impact Report.
Gary Stevenson.png
Traci Mask.png
Nikki Partain.png
Shannon Smith.png
Kim Geter.png
Leslie Young.png
Pam Jones.png
Kelly, Jacqueline QR.jpg
Betty Maddox.png
Angela Spencer.png
Tinnika Ray.png
Clark, Phyllis QR.jpg
King, Ellen QR.jpg
Hartmann, Heather QR.jpg
Silver, Anna QR.jpg
Ulrich, Mike QR.jpg

Meet Our Board

Hutchinson-Fontana, Diane QR.jpg
*A complete list of our Board of Directors is listed in our Impact Report.

Meet Our Staff

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Kathy Suber.png

Meet Our Donors and Supporters

CASA Donors and Supporters fund and support the CASA mission.
Their help and involvement is critical for our mission. 

*To see a full list of donors, please see our Thank You page .
*To see a complete list of supporters, please visit our Impact Report.
To learn how you can become a Donor or Supporter, click this link or contact the Executive Director. 
Wagner Staffing, Allan Blankenship, QR.png
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Transparency and integrity are our values

Alcovy CASA, Inc. 8134 Geiger Street, Suite 15   Covington, GA 30014
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